Mercy in Deed

Mercy in Deed - The Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy

Mercy in Deed - The Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy

From the very beginning of its existence the Congregation has always associated its mission with the mystery of Divine Mercy and with the mystery of Mary, the Mother of Mercy. By giving an authentic expression of its spirit, the Congregation should be a distinct sign of Divine Mercy acting in the world.” [Constitutions, Art. 239] 

Mercy in Deed - The Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy

We extend God's Mercy

In Poland the sisters run several educational centers that are dedicated to the care of girls and women in need of moral conversion. Our sisters assist the women by taking care of their spiritual and educational needs. These institutes provide trade school training so that the young women can acquire adequate professional skills. Other houses in Poland shelter pregnant women, unwed mothers and orphans. The sisters run also institutions such as therapeutic and community centers; kindergartens; residential care homes for children and adults. This form of apostolate has not yet been established in our convents in USA. Further the sisters preach the message of The Divine Mercy in retreat houses, shrines, parishes and prisons; they form the Apostles of The Divine Mercy in the international “Faustinum” Association; they teach religious education in schools; they run the “Misericordia” Publishing House; they edit the “Orędzie Miłosierdzia” (Message of Mercy) quarterly; and they work in conjunction with the media.

The focus of our apostolate in the USA is on the proclamation of the Divine Mercy message and prayer to implore God's mercy for the world.

Mercy in Deed - The Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy

All the sisters participate in the Congregation’s apostolic mission through their prayer, work, and suffering regardless of the type of work carried out. They are all responsible for the development and fruitfulness of the works undertaken, since apostolic work, “as their own holy ministry and work of charity” (PC 8) belongs to the very essence of religious life.” [Constitutions, Art. 5]

Mercy in Deed - The Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy

The exact way in which the message of The Divine Mercy is proclaimed in each individual convent, by deed, word and prayer, depends on local conditions and the needs of the given people in that particular environment. Some of the ways in which the sisters minister in the USA are these: they minister in prisons; nursing homes, they go to parishes, to symposiums, conventions, schools, and attend meetings with various communities. They spread the Divine Mercy message also through Online Store.

In all these ways their purpose is to share the gift of the message of Mercy that Jesus gave through St. Faustina, and to awaken hope in people’s hearts. The sisters are aware of the fact that they participate not only in the life but also in the mission of Jesus who reveals to the world the merciful love of God to every man and who by using human beings, makes it present even today.

Mercy in Deed - The Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy

Mercy in Deed - The Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy