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Diary of Saint Faustina

Diary - Divine Mercy in My Soul from Sisters of our Lady of Mercy Online Store

Divine Mercy in My Soul

At the request of the Lord Jesus and with the permission of her spiritual director and superiors, Saint Faustina kept a diary of her spiritual journey and mystical experiences.

My daughter, be diligent in writing down every sentence I tell you concerning My mercy, because this is meant for a great number of souls who will profit from it. (Diary 1142)

This book has touched the hearts and changed the lives of millions across the globe.

DVD - The Face of Mercy

DVD - The Face of Mercy

Weaving together theology and history with modern testimonials and visual effects, this stirring film creates a remarkable tapestry of what constitutes the face of mercy in our modern world.

Meet the woman who found freedom in forgiveness after seeing her family wiped out by genocide; the former-NFL linebacker who walked away from football to share Christ's mercy with the homeless; the baseball player who traded MLB ambitions for the monastery; and the young widow who chose mercy towards her husband's killer.

The Merciful In Everyday Life

How can we manifest the Divine Mercy in our entire being, permeating our thoughts, words and activities? How to be merciful not only from time to time, but "always and everywhere" in our daily life. This book attempts at finding answers to these questions with an aim to enliven, deepen and strengthen the spirit of mercy towards all those whom we meet each day on our paths of life.
