
Personal Dedication

Personal Dedication by One of The Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy

The Sisters in St. Faustina’s convent will gladly write a personal dedication for any ONE item that you purchase (please only one). Please tell us which item you would like dedicated and to whom it should be dedicated. Orders and donations are the only means of supporting our congregation in the United States. If you wish to make a tax-deductible donation to help support us, we will kindly mail you a receipt for your taxes.

Request a Personal Dedication

St. Faustina Holy Card

St. Faustina

Exclusive St. Faustina Holy Card in English

Front: Print of an archival photo of Sister Faustina. Special antique finish. Exclusively from our Congregation. Back: Prayer to obtain graces through the intercession of St. Faustina Size: 2.25 in. x 3.50 in. Available while supply lasts!

Purchase St. Faustina Holy Card

Helenka - Children's Book

A little girl who desired to become a Great Saint

A little girl who desired to become a Great Saint

I'm going to tell you a story. It's not a fairy tale that happened a long, long time ago. This is a true story of a little girl whose dream was to become a great saint. 
